
Questões por página:
Analyze sentences I to IV.
I. The boss demanded that she fill ____ the form by the end of the day. II. When he heard the noise downstairs, he thought it was his daughter coming _____. III. They've already got through _______ the preparations for the conference. IV. I was asked to talk ________ my research.
Choose the correct option to fill in the gaps.
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The phrase “are felt beyond just the UK” (line 8) implies the effects can be seen:
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Considerando o contexto e gramática da língua inglesa, assinale a alternativa cuja palavras completam CORRETAMENTE as lacunas dos cartuns (textos 2,3 e 4).
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This is a special invitation _____ my Family to your Family
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The train will be here ____ about 15 minutes.